MS Smartwatch App

My Pace
The objective of this project was to develop a product which addressed accessibility needs and requirements of a target user group. Therefore focussing attention on inclusive design features from the start of the design project.
I chose to focus on Multiple Sclerosis (MS for short), which is a degenerative disease that affects the central nervous system. Over time, the nervous system is unable to transmit signals between the brain and the body resulting in increased physical and cognitive impairments. There are multiple symptoms caused by MS one of the most common is fatigue.
One of the techniques used to help with fatigue is Energy Conservation Management (ECM) based on four principles: the four P's – Planning, positioning, prioritising and pacing. The latter technique was the focus of the product.
Project completed during UX Masters at IADT.

Smartwatch app designed to help manage fatigue in MS patients

Wearable tech
The application needed to help people with MS to manage the fatigue rather than just focus on recording the fatigue levels. The challenge was to trigger behaviour change at times when people are most receptive to change and adopt energy conservation techniques.
A wearable device was decided upon; it seemed like a logical approach for an app which would intercept someone's daily routine, track activity and help trigger a behaviour change without becoming invasive.

Primary proto persona Donna

Accessible design
I began sketching features and functionality to meet Donna's needs and help her achieve her goals.
The following inclusive design principles were considered during the design process:
Cognition: include clear, direct language, simple labelling and simple iconography.
Vision: legibility, readability and strong colour contrast are essential for vision impairment.
Balance and motor disability: large touchpoint targets to help with interaction and accuracy and voice input interaction to aid low physical effort.

Design language based on Apple smartwatch library

Future work
Unfortunately, I did not have access to the target user group; however, the app was tested with users to help resolve usability and functionality issues. Future work could explore hand-off screen to mobile for more complex app interactions. The addition of 'Rest Goals/Energy Goals' could help encourage the user's conservation of energy. A feature which would allow the user to share data from the app to a medical professional could also be beneficial to MS sufferers.
There is a potential gap in the market for a product which helps address energy conservation for fatigue sufferers—something which could be useful not just for people living with MS but for all.